The leaves are nearly out on all the trees and there has been an abundance of blossom and so many wild flowers appearing – Spring is definitely here and Summer is on it’s way. To celebrate this beautiful time of year I joined in with the tradition of giving posies on the 1st of May. I found out about this tradition on Instagram and Lou of Little Green Shed has been an inspirational force in getting people involved in this tradition.
I collected a mix of wild flowers and some from my garden.
I made vases for the posies from old jars and tins covered with remnants of fabric…
 …and tied with a bow of raffia.
I put a mix of flowers in the vases.
I so enjoyed picking the wild flowers and choosing complementary ones from my garden.
I think the tradition is to leave these posies anonymously but I thought it I should deliver them in person – I’m not sure my neighbours would have known what was going on! Anyway by delivering them face to face I got to have a good catch up with people. Next year I’m hoping to deliver more posies, I think this is a tradition definitely worth reviving.